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- This is DoSound © v_2.6
- By GoFigure
- shilo@sprynet.com
- *********************************************************************
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- Copy c: to sys:c (SPECIAL NOTE: in this directory is a newer version of
- muirexx so use it. ALSO: there are 2 play16 version 1.7
- in the archive. One is accelerated version. Use the one
- you need. If that one is play16 020 then rename it to
- Play16.)
- Copy libs: to sys:libs NOTHING NEW IN HERE SINCE V2.0
- Copy s: to sys:s (Note: if you have REXX: assigned somewhere else put
- s: in that assigned drawer)
- Copy WBDoSound and WBDoSound.info to where ever you would like.
- Copy fonts: to sys:fonts (I use this font/9 for listing. keeps things small, but
- you don't have to)
- Copy AMIRC:rexx to AMIRC:rexx
- Make an AMIRC button for sounds and /rx DoSound.amirx
- NOTE: You should have Sounds: assigned to your sound drawer ie: assign sounds:
- amirc:sounds or assign sounds: dh0:amirc/sounds
- Click on SOUNDS button to start.
- Position and snapshot where you want it.
- Use MUI Settings to configure the interface.
- Double click a sound to play in active window.
- Window may be iconified.
- *************************************************************************************
- GO * Dogetsound is started when DoSound
- DOGETSOUND---- * startes. If STOPped it no longer
- STOP * monitors internet for incomming
- * messages and DoSound will only play
- * waves.
- REFRESH * This refreshes your wav list in case
- * you manually add a wav to your sounds
- * directory.
- OPERATER * This brings up another window. SEE
- PPLAY * Press this and DoSound lets you listen
- * to a wav Personally only. In case you
- * forgot what it was.
- NETPLAY * Press this and play wavs to the active
- * active channel.
- NICKPLAY * Press this and play a wav to a selected
- * nick.
- (SPECIAL NOTE: If you press PPLAY, NETPLAY or NICKPLAY you remain
- in that mode until the other is pressed)
- PROGRAM SETTINGS * Settings for DoSound
- SETTINGS-----ORGANIZER * Set wavs to desired page
- INSTANT_PLAY_TEXT * Instantly change the text
- following the sound request
- MUI * Mui settings
- EXIT * Leave the program
- *************************************************************************************
- Get File ----- a list of all wavs played and from who. Format is; NAME OF WAV,
- [NK] (stand for nick)NICK, SIZE, KIND OF PROGRAM. (sorry SL couldn't
- find a way to identify you. However ? tries ctcp getsound
- first. SIZE works when given in sound request for WO and DS
- KIND OF PROGRAM ---- WO=wav out, DS2_1=DoSound2.1,?=a guess
- ____________
- | | | |
- | | | | O Clear Buttons * resets all buttons to off
- | | | |
- | | | | O Get * Press here and double click a "Get File"
- | | | | entry and retreave it from WO, ? and DS2_1.
- ------------ O PC GET * Press here and double click a "Get File"
- entry and retreave it from WO or ?.
- (this is for non conformists and sends
- !nick <wav name> to window on thier screen)
- O Last Try * Press here when everything else fails and
- double click a "Get File" entry and
- retreave. (This sends a !nick <wav name> to
- channel window. Some people with WO have
- modified it to not work if request goes to
- a DCC window on thier screen.)
- O NetPlay * Press here and play from "Wav List" or
- "Retreaved" list to the channel.
- O Pplay * Press here and play for only you from
- "Wav List" or "Retreaved" list.
- O NickPlay * Press here and play for selected nick
- O Transfer_S * Press here and double click any wav in
- "Retreaved" list and it goes to your
- Sounds: directory and "Wav List".
- O Transfer_All * Press here and everything in "Retreaved"
- list is moved to your Sounds: directory
- and "Wav List".
- O Refresh Listing * Press here and both listings in this window
- are manually refreshed.
- O Delete * Press here and double click anything in
- either list is removed.
- O Flush GetFile * Press here to erase everything in Get File
- window.
- Retreaved ----- a list of all wavs recieved. FORMAT IS; NAME OF WAV > (a pointer
- to)SIZE.
- ____________
- | | |
- | | | (SPECIAL NOTE: If you press PPLAY, NETPLAY or NICKPLAY you remain
- | | | in that mode until the other is pressed or you close OPERATER)
- ------------
- (SPECIAL NOTE: DO NOT leave window open with "Delete" pressed
- if your setting is auto get ON)
- *************************************************************************************
- Make settings and SAVE or USE.
- Make sure to hit RETURN after entering any NUMBERS.
- DO NOT type in "auto get" string gadget or "auto send" string gadget.(use the
- buttons)
- Select number of pages you desire and PRESS OK.
- Enter the names you wish for pages.
- Enter where you would like TEMPSOUND to be located.
- Enter your own default text displayed for sound requests.
- Closing window by menu will work as a cancel leaving previous enteries.
- *************************************************************************************
- When called the window opens with all pages plus one labeled "?" on the left
- and all pages on the right. Left is labeled "FROM" right is labeled "TO".
- Open page on right where you want the wav on the left to go and double click
- "FROM" wav. It will move to "TO".
- The "?" page will contain all none selected wavs in your drawer. (yes they do
- show in your first page list until you move them to page 2 of DoSound what ever
- you have named it.)
- I opened a shell and typed 'filenote sounds:#?.wav 1' without quotes, and made
- all my wavs page one to start with. However the long way will work double
- clicking each wav in your list. So whichever you prefer depending on how you
- organize.
- When finished exit via menu and your main DoSound window will refresh.
- *************************************************************************************
- Open with Icon and use to PPLAY. (Nothing else will apply and it will not work
- with AMIRC)
- (NOTE: DO NOT run a WORKBENCH AND AMIRC DoSound at same time)
- *************************************************************************************
- Wav Player for AMIRC and YOU from WorkBench.
- AutoGet Wavs. (V2.1 will now AutoGet from pc wav out, SoundLeech and DoSound)
- Gets wavs from pc wav out without channel clutter
- Gets wavs from pc or Amiga which don't support getsound command
- As a last resort the Last Try button will send a !nick <wav name> to the channel
- Auto Recieve Wavs.
- Will not clutter Sound: directory until you want it to.
- Limits largest Wav you will accept.
- Limit to number of sends at one time. (v2.6 still working on that. Set number
- high or turn off. It will not allow
- any wavs to be sent by you after number
- is reached. Then turn DoSound off and
- restart will reset to your max again)
- NOTE: will add this with compressed send-recieve.
- Auto send to PC requests for wavs. (If Auto Send is on)
- WAVS play to a selected nick privately
- Main window now supports pages. Use PROGRAM SETTINGS to set number and names
- of pages.
- ORGANIZER for moving wav to selected page.
- Get File listing of wavs now shows size of wav when available.
- Select your own place for TEMPSOUND (temporary storage of retreaved wavs)
- Warning requester if you try to exit with wavs still in TEMPSOUND
- Set and Change the text shown when requesting a sound played
- *************************************************************************************
- More features like ---
- Auto compression and decompression of wavs
- sent and recieved between DoSound users. (for v3.0)
- ???????? a separate window popup for pictures (for v3.5)
- ?????? - sugestions
- I had tried to make DoSound as non annoying as possible with no time limits and
- no requesters popping up and no keys other then one i could annoy you with by
- shutting down some of DoSound's extended features. (Which, by the way, you could
- restart). So here it is for you to use. NO more key. I threw it away. If you will
- register this I will help you when you need it and I will send you updates. If you
- don't I won't. Updates will be done for those who care and register. The rest can
- do the best that they can to get them. Mostly I will do things in the future
- because I want to and not because of any "we need requests" and because I want to
- learn and see what the Amiga can do.
- Send me $5.00 and your e-mail address and I'll send you updates.
- To:
- Walt Challender
- 23915 46th Ave. E.
- Spanaway, WA. 98387